Thursday, July 21, 2011

AMORA The Godmother's big announcement is coming soon...

Check out AMORA's new website at WWW.AMORATHEGODMOTHER.COM of course it is adapting and growing with the big changes and announcements coming soon. Please be sure to check out WWW.RISEOFTHEINDEPENDENTS.COM to see events Heiros Gamos Entertainment and affiliates have well there is more footage on myspace, etc. Just Google "AMORA The Godmother" and you will see a plethora of information and songs posted across the internet. AMORA is moving up to the "big leagues"...that's all we can say for now. The rest is Top-Secret until we are allowed to make the "big announcement". For now we send love to you all and best wishes to all of AMORA's fans, friends and supporters! AMORA The Godmother is bringing creative magic to life:)

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